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Classical Ballet


Hip Hop


Stretch and Conditioning Classes






  • Provide positive and enjoyable experiences

  • Promote a love of dance and the performing arts

  • Promote an appreciation of the arts in general

  • Provide opportunities to build confidence through creative expression

  • Provide performance opportunities

  • Provide challenges

  • Provide positive role models

  • Teach techniques appropriate to the age and standard of the students

  • Provide honest and fair assessment

  • Be aware of other influences that may affect the student and their learning

  • Consider the student to be a whole person

  • Maintain professional expertise, high ethical standards and sound business practice

  • Provide teaching staff with appropriate qualifications and/or experience for the style and level being taught

  • Follow the recommendations of the Australian Standards For Dance Teachers, 1998

Emerald Academy of Dancing is a run on a voluntary basis by committee members and the parents of the enrolled students. The purpose of the Academy is to provide students in this rural and remote towns, with access to qualified and experienced dance teachers who will enable them to further their careers in dance and the performing arts.

The Academy was begun with a small one off grant from the Regional Arts Development Fund to encourage a qualified Royal Academy of Dance teacher to travel from Rockhampton to Emerald weekly.

Since its inception in 1999 the group has grown from an enrolment of just 13 students to its current enrolment of over 140 students studying dance as well as Art, Drama and Stretch and strengthen classes: all with qualified staff.



Tap and Acrobatics


Optional separate classes
for competition work
Tiny Tots to Open age groups, performing in local and regional competitions


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